What's New in JupyterLab 4.4

JupyterLab 4.4 is here with big upgrades! From code console enhancements to subshell support and customizable workspaces, this release is packed with features that boost your productivity.

At first glance, Jupyter may seem unchanged. The UI has looked familiar since the early iPython days. But under the hood, it's evolving fast — and the upcoming JupyterLab 4.4 release introduces a set of features worth getting excited about.

Code Console Improvements

The code console is one of Jupyter's most underrated features. It lets you run code snippets quickly, making it ideal for debugging or testing ideas in real time.

In JupyterLab 4.4, the console toolbar now includes buttons for:

  • Executing code
  • Restarting the kernel
  • Clearing cells
  • Switching kernels

You can also now reposition the code prompt to any corner, and customize the console further:

  • Clear code content on execute (on by default): Turn this off to keep your input after execution, making edits easier.
  • Hide code input: Show only output for a cleaner look.
  • Clear cells on execute: Only the latest result stays visible.

Personally, I like to use the code console with the Mito inline completer to sandbox ideas, before adding them to my main notebook.

Import and Export Setting

You can now export your Jupyter settings from the Settings menu — a huge win if you manage multiple environments. No more surprises when installing Jupyter in a new virtualenv. Just export your settings file and back it up alongside your dotfiles.

Workspace Indicator

If you use different workspaces for different tasks, you’ll appreciate this one. Enable the Workspace Indicator from View → Appearance → Show Workspace Indicator to easily switch between them.

No More Context Menu (if you want)

Want the browser’s default right-click menu instead of Jupyter’s custom one? Open the Command Palette (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + C) and search for “Enable Context Menu” to toggle it off.

Perfect for when you just need to “Inspect Element.”

Subshell Support

This one’s a sleeper feature with big potential. Let’s say you're running a long process — like training a model or working with a massive dataset. Your notebook becomes unresponsive while it runs.

With subshell support, you can now right-click and select “New Subshell Console for Notebook.” This opens a parallel console that shares the same kernel, letting you interact with variables while the original cell continues executing.

For a full list of release note, see the Jupyter Changelog.

Supercharge Your Jupyter Experience with Mito

Want to write Python faster and make the most of JupyterLab’s new features?
Mito is the ultimate open-source Jupyter extension to boost your productivity:

  • 🤖 Mito AI – Context-aware AI chat and debugging tools to streamline your workflow.
  • 📊 Mito Spreadsheet – A powerful, interactive spreadsheet that auto-generates Python code.

Built for the community and free to use. Try Mito today → 🚀

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